Phone Mobile News

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Nokia adds low-end 3G 6151

Nokia adds low-end 3G 6151
Not a week ago, we were talking about GSMA's "3G for all" project to bring UMTS to the world's poor, and although Nokia's new 6151 doesn't promise to hit the $30 unsubsidized mark, they are using the similar-sounding "3G for Everyone" tagline to hype the phone. The candybar 6151 joins NEC in the largely uncharted territory of low-end 3G action, filling the bill with a 1.3 megapixel shooter, 30MB of internal flash with MicroSD expansion, FM radio, PTT, and Bluetooth, all sitting atop S40. The phone looks to drop for about €240 unsubsidized, which works out to $300 -- not quite fit for developing countries yet. North America gets left out of the party with the phone's lack of UMTS 1900 and GSM 850, but the 6151 should start trickling into the hands of underprivileged phone aficionados across the remainder of the globe in the third quarter in your choice of black, pearl white, orange, light blue, or lime green.


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